6 – 7 Jan “Supreme Ocean of Infinite Good Fortune” Weekend Course (including Commentary to the Close Retreat) with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
8 Jan – 4 Feb “Supreme Ocean of Infinite Good Fortune” Close Retreat
17 – 18 Feb Vajradaka Burning Offering
24 – 25 Feb The Yoga of Buddha Amitayus Guided Retreat with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
3 Mar Half-Day Learn to Meditate with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
10 Mar 「禪修之悅」學習禪修半天課程
17 Mar 兒童佛法班 – 驅走脾氣怪
22 – 25 Mar East Asian Dharma Celebration with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Avalokiteshvara and Teachings on Powa Practice
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
11 Apr Commentary to Nyungnay Purifying Ritual Practice with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
14 – 15 Apr Nyungnay Purifying Ritual Practice with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
21 Apr 「零壓力指數」半天禪修工作坊
17 Mar 兒童佛法班 – 脾氣怪出沒注意 !
26 – 29 Apr “The Dance of Impermanence and Emptiness” Weekend Meditation Retreat with Gen Kelsang Tonglam (offsite)
5 May 「清明之心」一天止語閉關
12 May Buddhist Mantra & Mala Making Workshop with Kadampa Teacher Dianna & Catherine Lau
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
15 May “Being with Buddha” Day Course with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
16 – 21 May Refuge Retreat (unguided)
24 – 29 May International Spring Festival (in UK)
Dorje Shugden Empowerment and Teachings on the Extensive Protector Puja
4 Jun “Offering Our Faith” Special Day Retreat
9 Jun Limitless Mind: Clarity of the Mind – One Day Silent Retreat with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
23 Jun Tantra: Creating an Extraordinary Life Day Course with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
29 Jun Commentary to “Melodious Drum Victorious in All Directions” Practice with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
30 Jun Workshop on the Practice of Mandala Offering with Kadampa Teacher Wallace Wong
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
6 – 7 Jul Abiding in the Pure Land of Kadam Lamrim Weekend Course with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
8 – 12 Jul Guided Lamrim Retreat with Centre Teachers
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
15 – 20 Jul Guru Yoga and Mandala Offering Retreat (unguided)
21 Jul 兒童佛法班 – 暖心故事《小猴子.大成就》
26 Jul – 10 Aug International Summer Festival (in UK)
Prajnaparamita Empowerment and Teachings on the Heart Sutra,
and Commentary to The Blissful Path and The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability
16 – 18 Aug Post Summer Festival Retreat with Gen Kelsang Rabka
25 Aug 兒童佛法班 – 謝謝你,九色鹿!
1 Sep 「無垠之心」半天禪修閉關
1 Sep Buddhist Mantra & Mala Making Workshop with Kadampa Teacher Dianna & Catherine Lau
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
15 Sep Torma Making Workshop with Kadampa Teacher Wallace Wong
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
27 Sep – 2 Oct “Heart Sutra” Silent Meditation Retreat with Gen Kelsang Tonglam (offsite)
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
6 Oct Dharma for Children with Kelsang Dachog
11 – 13 Oct Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Vajrasattva and Commentary to Purification Practice with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
14 – 20 Oct Vajrasattva Purification Retreat (unguided)
25 Oct – 1 Nov International Fall Festival (in Brazil)
Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerments of Heruka and Vajrayogini and Commentary to the Practices
16 – 17 Nov “Heruka Body Mandala Practice” Weekend Course with Gen Kelsang Tonglam
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
22 – 27 Nov “Heruka Body Mandala Practice” Guided Meditation Retreat with Gen Kelsang Tonglam (offsite)
(conducted in Cantonese with English translation)
1 Dec Half Day Learn to Meditate with Jolene Chan
8 Dec Virtuous Path Fundraising Walk
13 – 16 Dec Asian Festival (in Singapore)

* The above-mentioned information is subject to change.